For the summer break, students have to partake in a residency program. We have the option to self-propose, where we will seek out our own residency program related to our research topic, or we could attend open calls residency program or choose a partner to work closely with. Lasalle has an amazing list of partners, however, my topic is quite specific on the Peranakan crafts and I have a list of associations that I want to work with. And of course, the self-proposed residency is much preferred over the open calls.
However, we are facing a big step-back right now with Singapore tightening up its restriction for the first time in a year. Everyone is struggling to cope and a lot of businesses slow down in response. And I'm working with cultural organizations that are not considered essential businesses, so the response got even slower as they are not performing at 100% capacity. I had to come up with a lot of plan Bs in case things don't work out.
This is a list of organizations that I'm planning to carry my residency with and spend my 200 required hours:
Lasalle is part of seven art institutions that form part of the Shared Campus partnership, we are eligible to participate in any of the cross-disciplinary summer schools.
"The summer schools provide exciting opportunities for students to collaborate digitally with participants from other cultures and disciplines. in times like these when international borders have been forced to close, international exchange and cross-cultural cooperation are more important than ever to facilitate creative thinking and actions."
I am particularly interested in this because one the topics that are offered is "Arts and Crafts Matters in a Digital Society!" held Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Switzerland. This topic is spot-on for me as it revolves around culture around materials and production methods. "Around this, social and political systems are being transformed by digitalization and globalization. Booming digital technologies are disrupting design and production, as well as heavily impacting the affected societies". How can material-based techniques and styles be renewed and digitally translated? How to establish the notion of a global digital crafts movement? Those are some of the questions they wish to answer from this program and they are aligned with my research objectives. I have signed up for this Summer School and hoping to hear back from them by early June.
5. UAL: Design Transform
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